Scraper Conveyor

Time:2022-12-23   Visits:1357

Scraper Conveyor can be used as horizontal transportation as well as inclined transportation. When its used as upward inclined transporting, the coal seam dip angle can not be above 25°, while it can not be above 20°when doing a downward transportation. And anti-skid apparatus should be installed when the coal seam dip angle is big.

Characteristics of scraper conveyor:
1. Solid structure ensures that it can stand the forces from coal, gangue,and other materials.
2. It can adjust to different working conditions like uneven coal surface, bending at a horizontal or vertical direction.
3. The short frame makes it easy to assemble.
4. It can also be used as the track for coal mining machine.
5. It can operate conversely and is convenient when dealing with tail chain accident.
6. It can be used as the pivot of hydraulic support.
7. Scraper conveyor has simple structure and enables flexible loading and unloading within its transporting line.
8. Airtight chassis can help prevent environmental pollution during transporting materials, and preventing the flying dusts.
9. Automatic feeding is possible if there is no chassis at the end of scraper conveyor and the scraper blade is in the material pile.


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